No, the Food Centre is not a government agency. We are a not for profit organization guided by an industry led Board of Directors.
While the majority of our clients are Saskatchewan-based, the Food Centre provides services to out of province companies to international clients. Our clients range from mom and pop operations, entrepreneurs to large mult-nationals.
All initial consultations, calls, emails and meetings are FREE. We give the best advice. The initial meeting will assess where you are with your project, where you want to go and how we can assist you. From discussions, a contract will be drafted outlining all costs associated with completing your project. Every contract is customized to the client’s project needs.
Give us a call. We have hundreds of pieces of equipment to process many different types of food and beverage products. We have produced and package sauces/jams, bacon, sausages, dry snacks, pickles, kimchi, jerky, the list is endless.
We don’t fund projects. However, we can refer you to funding agencies who provide financial assistance to support product development and technical challenges. Please see our resources page for some funding programs available.
We don’t. Upon initial consultation and hearing more about your product(s), our expert staff may be able to provide some industry insights that could help you in developing your marketing or business plan. We do, however, encourage all potential clients to have drafts (if not finalized) of a business and marketing plan before coming to see us.
Having an idea is one thing but making sure that there is a place to prototype your idea and then ultimately manufacture your product to sell is another. We encourage you to fill out our online Prospective Client Form and then have a free consultation with key experts at the Food Centre to discuss how/or if we can help you move your idea to market.